
Synod Youth rep

Each diocese in England and Wales had been asked to send a young person who can represent the young people of the diocese in meetings at the Bishop’s Conference.

Clifton Diocese was represented by Abbey Mounter from Bristol who has been involved with diocesan youth ministry for a number of years including pilgrimages to Lourdes, diocesan days and now as a lay Chaplain at St Bede’s, she coordinates their involvement in the CAFOD Young Volunteers programme. Abbey is a parishioner of St Bernard’s Shirehampton serving on the altar and studying Theology at Bristol University.

From the group who met at the Bishops Conference Isaac Withers was appointed to represent the young Catholics from England and Wales

In March 2018 - six months before the Synod of Bishops Assembly in Rome - 300 young people from around the world met in the Vatican to 'share prophetic dreams', in the words of Pope Francis.

At this 'Pre-Synod' gathering, the young delegates presented the Holy Father with a document expressing their experiences of Catholic life and particularly how the Church accompanies young people.

Isaac Withers representing England and Wales had a hand in drafting and proofing the final document and spoke  about his experiences. You can listen by using the embedded player at the side of this article.

Those attending represented young people from the five continents and encouraged those who couldn't be there to contribute using their social media channels. 

You can read/download the final document they produced here:

Pre-Synod Document 2018