Adopt a Street


New Mission Initiative - Adopt a Street!


Would you be willing to post an Easter flyer from our Salisbury Catholic Churches through the letterbox of a street near your own home (or in any street of your choosing)?


This is a different and separate initiative to the visits we make to the homes of registered parishioners with the Mass times card.


There is no door-knocking or visiting involved, just posting.  You can deliver to as many or as few houses as you choose, on the street you choose.  Adopt a whole street or a portion of a street.  If every able-bodied parishioner delivered just a few leaflets in their area, between us we could really raise awareness of our churches and our mission across our city.


We are co-ordinating this initiative on our website so that everyone will be able to see clearly which streets have already been adopted so that we are not duplicating effort or delivering twice to any one house. This is a great way for everyone to play their part in the missionary activity of the Church.  If you wish to see which streets have been adopted and how progress is going, go to


Want to join in?  Great!  Our Outreach Worker will be at each of the Masses this weekend so that you can volunteer as you leave Mass or alternatively, phone the office 333581, Caroline 502503 or Tony 500653 or email us: [email protected] As each street is ‘adopted’ it will be listed on our website: so that everyone can see clearly which streets are already adopted. 


Progress so far  - 1038 addresses.

St Osmund’s       8  Streets  (371 addresses)

St Gregory’s      10  Streets  (544 addresses)

Holy Redeemer   3  Streets  (123 addresses)


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