New Standing Order & Gift Aid
Your generosity enables us to fulfil our mission to bring the Presence of Jesus to the people of our area. For more on how your donations will be put to use, please see below.
The very best way for parishioners to help us is to set up a standing order, as it provide a regular and largely predictable income, with minimal processing costs. For help in setting one up, please contact the office on 01722 562703, or [email protected]. If you are a UK taxpayer, please GiftAid your donation, which increases the value of your gift by 25% at no extra cost to you.
Our Dona system makes online donations quick and convenient. If you donate in this way and are a UK taxpayer, please register as a Gift Aid donor as part of the process of your first donation (this increases your gift by 25% at no extra cost to you). When you return to make another donation using this system, providing you use the same payment card, your details for the purposes of Gift Aid will not need to be entered again. This is also the case if you make donations via the contactless Dona payment machines in the church porch or via the QR codes printed on the Sunday service sheets.
We are most grateful to receive donations in any form, such as cash or cheques in the Offertory basket at Sunday Mass. But the above options have the advantage of saving the time and energy of our volunteers who count and process the money! If there is anything further you would like to ask, please feel free to phone our office on 01722 562703.
When you use the ‘Dona’ machine in church, or donate online as above, you can select from several options of what you would like to support. The following is intended to give you more information about where the money goes in each case.
Parish Offertory
This is shared roughly equally between the parish and the Clifton Diocese. The parish costs include heating, utilities, staff salaries, liturgical materials, and everything that our priests need to fulfil their tasks. The diocesan costs include the bishop and his staff, who provide services to assist with finance, property, safeguarding, and so on, which is intended to ease the administrative burden on individual parishes.
Building Fund
This fund is ring-fenced for Salisbury parish (ie, not shared with the diocese), to enable us to maintain and improve our parish buildings and facilities. Of course, the Church is more than buildings—but without warm and welcoming places to meet, how can we carry out our mission? The costs are high, as you’d expect for old and listed buildings. But we believe that it is our responsibility to act now to ensure a well-maintained infrastructure for the future, rather than saddling the next generation with even worse problems, and even fewer resources to deal with them. Thank you for your generosity.
Youth Fund
Youth has long been a top priority for this parish, and we have seen for ourselves that good youth ministry not only enlivens our own parish, but also bears fruit in vocations for the whole Church. Donations here enable us to deliver our Youth Group, Family of Faith (for younger children and their families, which incorporates preparation for First Holy Communion), our Confirmation programme, and other occasional events like retreats, pilgrimages, and day trips.
This stands for Salisbury Catholic OutREach! We think our church should have a positive impact on the local community, and contribute towards the relief of poverty in the wider world. SCORE is our designated fund to do this, and the specific causes it supports are decided at an annual meeting. If you would like to be part of that discussion, please contact Deacon John Proctor ([email protected]), and to see who we’re supporting this year, please click here.
St Gregory + St Osmund
95 Exeter Street, Salisbury, SP12SF | T. 01722 562703 | E. [email protected]
Dear Parishioners
Unfortunately, the response to our Parish “Feel the Pinch” Appeal, launched by Mike Riding (Chair of the St. Osmund Parish Finance Committee), at the end of February, has been very disappointing. If you missed the appeal at the Masses, may I encourage you to spend just a few minutes listening so that you understand why it is vital that we increase our income. Please click on the video above.
Mike highlighted that the 2024 budget has a deficit of almost £ 220,000, which includes nearly a quarter of a million pounds on essential infrastructure projects, such as repairing the roof of the Salisbury Parish Rooms, upgrading the toilets in St. Gregory’s Hall and finalising the redecoration of the Parish Centre. These projects are essential to ensure that our properties are ‘Fit for Purpose’ for generations to come and that the mission of the Church continues.
He pointed out how fortunate we all are that we celebrate Mass in two outstanding churches and, that therefore, it was only fair that each and every parishioner or family should contribute to the church’s administration and upkeep. He acknowledged that our parishioners have varied financial positions but promoted the philosophy, that if we all donate to the extent that we “Feel the Pinch”, then the burden of the £ 220K deficit, will be equitably shared.
If you have an existing standing order but are able to give a little more, you can either update it online or complete the attached form and return it to office.
If you wish to set-up a Gift-Aided standing order, please complete the attached form and return it to the office. A regular amount, however small, will be gratefully received.
This issue is very real and I would not write to you about it if it were not so. If the Parish continues to incur annual deficits, we will eventually become insolvent and thus no longer be able to meet our mission “To nurture and sustain Catholic Christians so they may encounter Christ through Mass, the Sacraments, Prayer and through the life of the Parish”.
May God bless and keep you with love and prayers.
Fr Anthony Paris
Parish of St Osmund