Once again the Justice and Peace Group have arranged for cards in each of the churches. Please take the time to take one or two cards and send them before Christmas. Every card has an instruction sheet inside, the story behind the name and the address. It really does make a difference.


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St Agnes

January 8, 2022

Born into a wealthy family during the last decade of the third century, Agnes lived in Rome during the last major persecution of...Read more

A chance for Catechists to share ideas and good practice across our diocese

January 4, 2022

Dear Catechists, Happy New Year!

The last year or so has been quite a challenge when it has come to catechesis...Read more

Salisbury Foodbank November Collection

December 20, 2021

Salisbury Foodbank collection. During November over 100kg of rice, biscuits and chocolate was collected by our 3 parishes and delivered to the Foodbank. Thank...Read more