Once again the Justice and Peace Group have arranged for cards in each of the churches. Please take the time to take one or two cards and send them before Christmas. Every card has an instruction sheet inside, the story behind the name and the address. It really does make a difference.


More News

St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

August 5, 2021

On August 9 the Catholic Church remembers St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, also known as St. Edith Stein. St. Teresa converted from Judaism...Read more

Sunday Obligation

July 29, 2021

Statement from the Catholic Bishops of England

On 19 July, the current legislative powers which assist the mitigations against the Covid-19 virus transmission...Read more

Feast of the Transfiguration

July 26, 2021

The surprising revelation of the Lord Jesus is that he is God.

Jesus Christ is a living, divine person who has accepted a...Read more