Downton Churches Together Lenten Lunches

The Downton Churches Together are organising Lenten Lunches for the Community which will be held in the Memorial Hall on Wednesday 4th, 11th and 25th March plus 1st April. A light lunch will be available from 12-30pm on those days to ANYONE who cares to turn up - you don't have to live in Downton to attend, so if you live in Salisbury and have wondered what village life is like you might be interested in joining us. The Memorial Hall is right in the centre of the village next door to the primary school - you can't miss it. There will be no charge. The Catholics of Downton are handling the catering on Wednesday 11th March but some members of the Catholic community will be there on all the other dates which are being handled by the Church of England and the Baptists. The aim is to create a really welcoming multi-faith community who will eat together.



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