Jubilee From Newsletter

Tickets are purely for the purposes of establishing the number of parishioners planning to attend in order that the Cathedral is set out for correct numbers and so that we have enough food and wine. They are not ‘needed’ for entrance purposes. 
Please help us to get as accurate an idea as possible by taking ONE TICKET per ATTENDEE.  Please only take a ticket if you have decided to attend and return any unwanted tickets if you later change your mind by simply handing them back in at Mass or ring the parish office to let us know 333581 or email [email protected] 

GIFT FOR FR MICHAEL - If you wish to contribute to the parish gift there are special envelopes in the church porch.  Simply drop into the collection basket at any Mass or hand in to the parish office.  

FOOD - We hope that EVERYONE will bring a food contribution on the night.  Cold, finger food on disposable tableware only, please. Please hand your food into the Cloisters area in good time as you arrive for Mass.  Contact Bernie  [email protected] or ring 07876 773525. 

TRANSPORT - If you would like to attend the Jubilee Mass but have transport difficulties, please contact Jane on 07554 006127 or email  [email protected]  Also contact Jane if you are willing to offer a lift to a fellow parishioner.

WHEELCHAIR USERS - if you are a wheelchair user or have mobility difficulties and plan to attend the jubilee Mass please contact us if you wish to have a reserved space for you and your carer.  If you have NOT already informed us, please do so in order that we can make appropriate arrangements. Please ring the parish office 333581 or email [email protected]

PARKING  Please note that there is NO PARKING inside Salisbury Cathedral Close or at St Osmund’s Church on the day of the Jubilee. We recommend parking in one of the city centre car parks which are free after 6pm. Please note that the Old George Mall carpark is locked at 8pm.

FILMING/PHOTOGRAPHS There will be designated photographers and videographers filming and taking photographs.  These will be posted on our parish website and social media feeds after the event.  Attendance at the event will be deemed consent to use images.

ALTAR SERVERS If you plan to serve at the Jubilee Mass, please bring your (clean and ironed) vestments to the rehearsal on Friday. Attendance at the rehearsal at 4pm in Salisbury Cathedral on Friday 7 June is essential if you wish to serve at the Jubilee Mass. Please contact Deacon John Detain for details on 415588 or email [email protected]

OUR THANKS TO SALISBURY CATHEDRAL not only for allowing us to celebrate Mass and hold the reception in the Cathedral but also for the warm and generous welcome that we have received as we have made all the preparations. All departments of the Cathedral have been incredibly helpful, accommodating and supportive.  There will be a retiring collection for the upkeep of this magnificent building as you leave the Jubilee Mass. Gift Aid envelopes will be available on the night. Please be generous. 



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