Holy Redeemer notices for 14 March

Holy Redeemer 3800.411

 On Tuesday 17 March there will be a Parish Briefing in Holy Redeemer hall at 19:00. It will be led by Fr Anthony.
• During Lent we continue to collect long life fruit juice for Salisbury Food Bank. Please put items in the box at the back.This collection finishes on Palm Sunday.
• There will be Mass here on Easter Day at 08:00 in the morning. It will be followed by an Easter egg hunt for children. We would be grateful for donations of small, wrapped Easter eggs. These can be placed in the basket on the table at the back.
• If you want tickets for the Playhouse to see ‘Hay Fever’ on Thursday 30 April, please get in touch with Liz Scott as soon as possible. Her contact details are on the website under Parish Life.



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