Next Pastoral Ministry Formation course: Autumn 2024

Pastoral Top News

We are now actively seeking to recruit for the next Pastoral Ministry Formation course which begins in the Autumn 2024. The course is ideal for ANY parishioner who seeks to develop their capacity to serve the parish in anyway which they believe the Lord is calling them. If you are a catechist – this course is for you. If you are a minister in any form – this course if for you. If you are not involved in any way – but would like to be – this course if for you! Interested? – then please do come to one of our information evenings which will be taking place around the Diocese in June/July. Here you will hear in more detail about what is being offered, time commitment involved, interview process and costs including the role of parishes to support those who are successful in obtaining a place.

Dates and venues for information sessions are below. Each session starts at 7pm, no need to book, just turn up on the evening. If you are unable to attend the evening closest to you, please feel free to attend another one.

Thurs 6 June: St Joseph, Portishead

Tue 11 June: St John, Bath

Thurs 13 June: St Gregory, Salisbury

Tue 18 June: English Martyrs, Tuffley

Thurs 27 June: St Catharine, Frome

Tue 9 July: St George, Taunton

Thurs 11 July: Emmaus House, Bristol

Tue 16 July: St Peter, Cirencester

Thurs 18 July: Our Lady, Weston-Super-Mare




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