Outreach Visits - Easter 2019 More Volunteers Welcome

At Christmas and Easter a large team of Outreach volunteers call upon the homes of registered parishioners.  We have been doing this since Christmas 2Missionoutreacheaster2019017 and it is a wonderful initiative that has borne great fruit in terms of developing and building relationships in the parishes and keeping in touch with our elderly and housebound parishioners as well as those who only come to church occasionally.  Each volunteer has a small list of houses to call upon, say ‘hello’ (if you manage to catch the residents in!) and deliver the Mass times card (or a greetings card for the housebound).  The more volunteers we have, the shorter everyone’s list is! At Christmas we had approximately 100 volunteers involved but we still need more to make the task even easier and more sustainable. Please help if you can. Contact Caroline 502503 [email protected] 


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