St Gregory’s Church Local Mission Planning Workshop

St Gregory’s Church Local Mission Planning Workshop - Monday 18th September 2023, 7pm. 
This is the second in a series of workshops being run to plan how the community of St Gregory’s will deliver its local mission. The first workshop in the spring identified a host of good ideas (and challenges) we could focus our efforts on.  This second workshop will aim to identify how we organise ourselves to take these opportunities and meet the challenges. To make the workshop a success, we really need as many people as possible to attend; this will be the critical opportunity to have your views and ideas listened to and considered. We are particularly keen to capture the ideas and views of all the rich and diverse cultures and backgrounds present at St Gregory’s. Please try to find the time to join us at St Gregory’s Hall at 6.45pm for a tea or coffee before we start at 7pm. 


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