The parable of the Prodigal Son is so well-known to us that it would be easy for us believe that we don’t need to listen because we’ve heard it so many times before! We know it! But do we? There is a beautiful and profound message of the immense, limitless love of God in this story. A love which God wishes each one of us to experience. As we listen to this Gospel Jesus wants us to know that whatever mistakes we may have made in life, we are not beyond redemption. We are worth far more than the worst thing we have ever done in life. God is waiting for us to come home. God’s love has no limits. God does not have favourites or a list of exclusions as to who is entitled to that love. As we move through Lent, let us have the confidence to turn to God in his loving mercy and allow his tender embrace to heal us and restore us to a newness of life and love. 


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