Dear Bible pilgrims,
And so we come to the end of our journey along the Bible Timeline! Our last stop will be next Wednesday night, meeting back where we started, with Stuart Ford from the Bible Society.
Stuart will show how the Biblical narrative continues into the age of the Church. The remaining books in the New Testament (the Book of Acts, the Epistles, and Revelation) are all about the Apostles’ mission to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth… and of course, that mission is still ongoing. We are living in the time of the Worldwide Covenant (ie, the Catholic Church), continuing the same story which began with Adam & Eve on the very first page of the Bible.
To get into the right frame of mind, the following may be helpful…
Suggested Bible Reading
Acts 1-2: Ascension to Pentecost
Acts 7-11: St Stephen’s Martyrdom, St Paul’s Conversion, St Peter’s vision
Suggested Watching
The Bible Project video on Acts (Part 1 and Part 2)
Those links open a playlist which also include good videos about the importance of Pentecost, and the missionary journeys of St Paul.
You can also search in YouTube for ‘Bible Project’ + the name of any other book about which you may be curious.