The Catenian (Salisbury Circle) November Ladies Meeting 2018

The normal Catenian meeting with Catenian visitors (from other circles) which included the President of Province from Guernsey Peter Daniels and other invited gentlemen was held at Grasmere Hotel here in Salisbury on Thursday 22 November.
This was followed by dinner with the wives and partners and other invitees. A hugely successful evening with lots of fun and good banter. During the evening there were three notable events:
- An appeal by Seth Ryan a scout from Durrington to raise funds for less fortunate scouts to attend the 2019 Scout International Jamboree in the USA. Subsequently during the evening £210 was raised.
- The Catena Cup was presented by the Acting President Jim Rolleston jointly to Mary Reodique and Antonio Armada for outstanding academic effort.
- The evening was completed with an excellent presentation by Caroline Williams on her Outreach role for Salisbury Catholics. No illusions this is not a part time role, many thanks to Caroline for all her hard work, dedication and motivation.
The evening resulted in a further contribution to the President’s chosen charity for the year:
Action for Children
A charity whose aim is to help through fostering or adoption – and by intervening early to stop neglect and abuse. To make life better for children with disabilities.