Once again the Justice and Peace Group have arranged for cards in each of the churches. Please take the time to take one or two cards and send them before Christmas. Every card has an instruction sheet inside, the story behind the name and the address. It really does make a difference.


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Feast of Saint Patrick 17 March

March 10, 2022

Saint Patrick’s Story

Legends about Patrick abound; but truth is best served by our seeing two solid qualities in him: He...Read more

Solemnity of Saint Joseph

March 10, 2022

Saint Joseph’s Story

The Bible pays Joseph the highest compliment: he was a “just” man. The quality meant a lot more...Read more

Saint David of Wales

February 23, 2022

Saint David of Wales’ Story

David is the patron saint of Wales and perhaps the most famous of British saints. Ironically, we have...Read more