Church TV

CHURCH TV  New Development to support our Parish Prayer LifeDownload 2

Since we launched our Church TV service last July there has been a continuous ‘live feed’ (live images) from St Osmund’s Church on our website  This has meant that, during times when there is no liturgy or prayer happening, all that featured on the screen was an empty church, or possibly the cleaners or sacristans going about their work.

 We are delighted to announce that we have upgraded the system so that when there is no Mass/prayer/ exposition happening in the church, what you will see on the ‘live feed’ instead are prayerful reflections and other features that may be helpful to you in your faith.  We hope that you will view and enjoy them and that they will support you in your prayer life.  

 How does it work?  We have programmed the system so that 5 minutes before a liturgy/prayer is due to begin, the video content on the screen will cut back to the live view of the church, ready for the liturgy to begin.  This will happen whether it is Mass, a funeral, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament or any other prayer/service in the church. A short while after the liturgy has ended, the screen will return to the reflections once more. These will run continuously day and night so that you can join whenever it suits you.    

 What can I watch? The video content that we have currently playing are reflections on the Gospels for the first three Sundays of Lent and the Stations of the Cross.  As you watch/pray with the video, you are able to press ‘pause’ at any moment if you wish to spend a moment in prayer or reflection before continuing.  Content will change from time to time as we move through the church year and we will let you know in this newsletter when we add new content. 

 Need help? If you are unsure how to use the system or how it will work, we are happy to help you.  Please contact Caroline 502503 [email protected] or Tony 500653 [email protected] 


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