Over the Lenten weekend of 28 & 29 March, we are holding a number of prayer and reflection opportunities for parishioners with a special focus on Our Lady in St Osmund’s Church and Parish Rooms.

Saturday 28 March  - organised by the Catenians

09:30 Adoration and Morning Prayer
10:00  Mass

11:15  Reflection/Talk, Prayer and Meditation - led by Fr Jonathan Creer

12:30 Lenten Lunch (Soup/Bread)

14:00 Stations of the Cross

A gaze of love from the Heart of our Blessed Mother

14:45 Vespers


Everyone is welcome to attend all or some of these events.


Sunday 29 March   ‘Behold 2020’

As part of our Diocesan engagement with ‘Behold 2020’ (more details on this to follow next week) and to complete our weekend of Prayer and Reflection, there will be Choral Evensong prior to the Sunday evening Mass at 16:30.



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