Diocesan Pilgrimage to Glastonbury – Sunday 14th July

The Annual Pilgrimage to Glastonbury will take place on Sunday, 14th July 2024. This year’s pilgrimage will be centred around the theme of ‘Mary, Woman of Prayer’.

From 12 noon until 3:00 pm, the Shrine Church will transform into a chapel of Exposition and Silent Adoration, offering a peaceful and contemplative environment just opposite the Abbey grounds. During this time, visiting priests will provide the sacrament of Reconciliation in the Shrine Church.

In addition, from 12 noon until 3:00 pm, Private Healing Prayer will be offered in a single tented chapel located just inside the Abbey gates, opposite the Shrine Church.

At 2:15 pm, the Rosary procession will commence in the Abbey grounds, followed by the Pilgrimage Mass at 3:30 pm, also held in the Abbey grounds.


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