Flame 2023

Flame 2023

Flame 2023

As youth ministry “rebuilds” after the pandemic we hope this is an exciting prospect – something to aim for, and give hope, as young people (and all of us) get used to socialising again.
The theme of Flame 2023 – which is exactly 150 days before World Youth Day in Lisbon – takes the WYD Scripture (“Mary arose and went in haste”) and crystallises it into the theme, “Rise Up!” Rise up after the pandemic, Rise up as young Catholics, Rise up – as Mary did – for the surprising and beautiful adventure that is our Catholic faith.  Learn more about Flame 2023 at FLAME – CYMFed
This year, Clifton Diocese has booked tickets and a coach for 50 people.  If you’re interested in booking a ticket through and traveling with the diocese, please send an email to [email protected].


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