Holy Redeemer notices for 13 April

Holy Redeemer 3800.411

 There is a retiring collection this evening for SCORE overseas projects. At the back of the church there is a display giving more information about projects supported by SCORE during the last year.

 And you are all invited to a special SCORE meeting in St Gregory’s Hall on Monday 13 May. This will give you an opportunity to hear first hand reports on some of the projects.

 Tickets for the Quiz with Fish and Chip Supper will be on sale outside the church tonight. Tickets cost £5 but free to children under 10. The supper is on Saturday 11 May and will be held in the hall following Mass.

 The Lent collection of tinned soup for the Trussell Trust weighed 75 kilos. The Trust was delighted and grateful for this generous gift. In May we will be collecting long life fruit juice.

 Finally, a reminder that there will not be a Mass here this Wednesday as all the priests will be at the Chrism Mass in Clifton.


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