Holy Redeemer notices for 5 October

Holy Redeemer 3800.411

The retiring collection today is the Harvest Fast Day Collection for CAFOD. Envelopes are available if you wish to Gift Aid your donation.  

On Wednesday church cleaning will take place here. Please come and help any time after 9 in the morning. Mass will be at 10 and will be followed by tea and coffee. 

The Trussell Trust were very grateful for the dried milk and instant coffee which we collected in September. The collection weighed over 23 kilos. In November we will collect toiletries which will be given to Alabaré for Christmas presents.  

Finally, the Macmillan Coffee Morning on 27 September raised a total of £940 for Macmillan Cancer Support. Holy Redeemer supported this event most generously, including the cake sale after Mass last Saturday which raised over £150. Thank you all.


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