Holy Redeemer notices for 9 November

Holy Redeemer 3800.411

Next Wednesday church cleaning takes place. Please come and help anytime after 9. Mass is at 10 and will be followed by coffee and biscuits.

There are still a few places available for the Christmas supper on 7 December. Details are on the noticeboard, together with the menu and a list for names.

‘Adopt-a-street’ cards are ready for collection at the back of the church.

Also available at the back are copies of the agenda for the Holy Redeemer Parish meeting. This will be held on Wednesday 20 November in the hall, starting at 7. It’s an open meeting and all are welcome to attend.

A Theatre Group visit to the Playhouse to see ‘Blood wedding’ is being planned for 13 or 20 February. If you are interested in this, or other theatre visits, please contact Liz Scott. Her contact details can be found on the website under Parish Life/Events.


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