An Inconvenient Sequel- Truth to Power

Al Gore

On 29th May at St Osmund's parish rooms in Salisbury, the parish Justice and Peace group screened 'An Inconvenient Sequel- Truth to Power', Al Gore's second film on climate change. More than 40 people attended to view the film and to discuss the implications. 

The film is more than an ordered treaty on climate change; it is the on-going story of Al Gore and his mission to to tackle climate change on the world stage. He has devoted a large part of his life and been able to use his position of influence to encourage - and at times demand - that people speak up volubly about this issue. At times, this passion overflows into Al Gore bellowing to make his point. It is a wake up call for all of us. 

The climax of the film is the COP Paris Conference; despite setbacks to the campaign, the film ends on a positive note. 

At the end of the screening, following a sort and reflective silence, a lively discussion took place with parties sharing concerns and ideas. A retiring collection raised approximately £120 which was shared between Christian Aid   (for their work on Climate change) and Salisbury Transition City.


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