Justice & Peace Programme for Lent

Salisbury Justice and Peace group have arranged the sessions below, a talk, a prayer service, a film:

something different each week to reflect on the Lord's command that we love God and love our neighbour, and that we repent of all injustice and wrongdoing.  Thursdays at 19:00 at St Osmund's

27  February Praying for Peace (with Taizé Music)

5 March Creation Liturgy (Evening Prayer)

12 March Film Fr Damien

19 March Catholic Social Teaching

26 March Defending Life (SPUC speaker)

2 April Penitential Service

See the newsletter every week for details

or contact Graham on 01722 333873


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Rite of Election talk - 15 February

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Sarah Adams

Director for the Department of Adult Education and Evangelisation Alexander House

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World Day of Sick 11 February

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Pope Francis released his message for the 31th World Day of the Sick, and urged Catholics to heed the example of the Good Samaritan...Read more

The Presentation of the Lord - 2 February

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