Life in the Spirit

Salisbury Catholics are inviting you to a series of talks on Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Stating Tuesday 30th April 2019 for 8 weeks at St Osmund's Church and Hall.

Salisbury Catholics are giving you an opportunity to receive Baptism in the Holy Spirit between Easter and Pentecost.

Yes you were Baptised in the Holy Spirit at Baptism but these talks are for a reawakening of the gifts that the Lord is waiting to shower on you! "Pressed down and running over" as scripture says. so don`t miss out.

So far the speakers are Fr. Matt Anscombe, Fr.Michael Healey and Fr. Anthony Paris .More to be announced.

We are also blessed to have musicians to help praise the Lord!

Ask any Salisbury Deacon for more information. The school car park will be made available.for parking.



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