Outreach Visits

765 registered Catholic households have been personally visited by more than 100 volunteers from all three churches and given our Easter Mass Times card.  Mission Logo 5redeaster2019

 Please be sure to extend a warm welcome to any ‘unfamiliar faces’ in our churches during Holy Week and Easter.

 Fr Michael would like, once again, to invite all the Outreach Visitors who visited/delivered to registered parishioners AND all the ‘Adopt-a-Street’ volunteers who delivered our Easter postcard to join him for a cream tea at 3.30pm in St Gregory’s Hall on Sunday 12 May in celebration and as thanks for all the wonderful work you have done. 

 Please put the date and time in your diary:  12 May at 3.30pm in St Gregory’s Hall  Please let us know (for catering purposes) if you plan to attend:  Contact Caroline on 502503 or email [email protected] 
 Parishioners - if you didn’t receive a visit or an Easter Mass Times card it may be a sign that you are NOT on our parish database, please contact us if this is the case.  


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