Pastoral Ministry information evenings

Pastoral Ministry information evenings

Apr 4, 2022 | News

As far back as 2012, Pope Benedict XVI was advocating the need for greater involvement of the laity in the life of the Church. The Synodal Process has already shown that there is a desire by the laity to be more involved and a need for solid formation to give people the confidence to respond. Clifton Diocese offers two in-depth courses in support of this need:

The Loyola Certificate in Pastoral Ministry

The Clifton Ministry Skills Programme.

If you are interested or intrigued to find out more, then do join us for one of two online information sessions taking place on 26 April and 28 April at 7pm (Teams). The information sessions will outline the purpose of the courses, introduce you to current students and provide the opportunity for asking questions and gaining sufficient information about how to apply. Sign up via the Eventbrite links for the session you wish to attend:

26 April:

28 April:

Info Sessions April 2022 1 Scaled B



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