Today, I would like to complete the catechesis on the Sixth Word of the Decalogue  — “Do not commit adultery”, evidencing that the faithful love of Christ is light to live the beauty of human affectivity. In fact, our affective dimension is a call to love, which is manifested in fidelity, in hospitality, and in mercy. This is very important. How does love manifest itself? In fidelity, in hospitality, and in mercy. Let us recall that the way of human maturation is the course of love itself, which goes from receiving care to the capacity of offering care, from receiving life to the capacity of giving life. To become adult men and women means to be able to live the spousal and parental attitude, which manifests itself in the various situations of life, such as the capacity to take on oneself the burden of another and to love him without ambiguity.  The human creature, in its inseparable unity of spirit and body, and in its masculine and feminine polarity, is a very good reality, destined to love and to be loved and, in genuine love, there is no room for lust and for superficiality. Men and women deserve more than this! Therefore, the Word “Do not commit adultery,” although in a negative way, orients us to our original call, namely, to full and faithful spousal love, which Jesus Christ has revealed and given to us (Cf. Romans 12:1). .


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