Pope Francis meets with Joe & Josephine Falzon

Greetings from Rome.

It has been quite a day!

Early this morning (Mon 27 May 19) at 7am, Josephine and I had the huge privilege of being invited to attend a mass celebrated by His Holiness Pope Francis in his private chapel of St Martha in the Vatican.

It was an intimate, surreal, once in a lifetime experience shared with only a few other lay worshippers from all over the world, but also including cardinals, priests and nuns.  This celebration was the highlight and culmination of our 50th wedding anniversary special events since April this year.

After the service we all had the opportunity of a brief but unforgettable few minutes alone with the Pontiff.  He blessed our family, our long union together and promised to pray for us.  In return Pope Francis asked us to encourage all our family and friends to pray for him.


Joe Falzon


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