Reconciliation Service

Deanery Reconciliation Service with Bishop Declan Aaadsc 0013


As part of our Diocesan Year of Prayer, Bishop Declan came to Salisbury to celebrate a Reconciliation Liturgy with us on Thursday 21 March at St Osmund’s.  A lot of preparation went into the event and the Church looked beautiful – thank you to Xanthe and her team for all their hard work.  Thanks also to Angel for leading the psalm with such clarity and serenity and to Gwynne for playing the organ/keyboard.  The liturgy had been planned and prepared by the Adult Education and Evangelisation department of the Diocese and we are very grateful to the team for all their hard work – the liturgy booklets were a beautiful aid to our prayer that many people chose to take home to help them to reflect further on the scripture readings and prayers.  


Bishop Declan reminded us in his homily that the call of the Lord in our lives is totally unique to every individual. We are each called to a particular vocation which is entrusted to us alone, whatever our situation in life.  At all times we may choose the path of life over the path of death by placing our trust in the Lord and his plan for us.  Before entering a time for individual confessions, he reminded us that scripture says ‘Do not be afraid’ many times and that we should be confident in coming to the Lord for forgiveness and mercy, secure in his love for each of us.  The church was full and many people came forward for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  We were blessed to have six priests available for confessions – alongside Bishop Declan were Fr Michael, Fr Saji and Fr Keith, Fr Anthony Paris from Amesbury and Fr Louis Beasley-Suffolk came from Wincanton.  Thanks to all our priests.  


The liturgy was recorded and is available on the ‘RECORDINGS’ tab of our Church TV system – click here

The liturgy booklet can be downloaded -  click here

Photos from the event are in the Photo Gallery -  click here


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