Reimagining Baptism

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National Conference: Re-imagining Baptism

Preparing for a lifetime in Christ


Keynote: Abbot Hugh Allan O.Praem

with workshops run by seasoned catechists and clergy from around the country 


Dates: Friday 9 May 2025 for Clergy  

and repeated on Saturday 10 May 2025 for All  

Location: Amigo Hall, St George’s Cathedral, Archdiocese of Southwark 


You, your clergy and your catechists (involved in all areas of Sacramental preparation) are invited to participate in a day to re-imagine Baptism. This event will be hosted by the Agency for Evangelisation and Catechesis from the Archdiocese of Southwark, and the Baptism Collaborative. 


The Sacrament of Baptism is key, it is transformative, it is the gateway to life in Christ. Yet, despite this, the reality in our parishes is a familiar one. Frequently, those who come requesting baptism have suffered from is a distinct lack of formation in their faith. Prompted by the Spirit they have no sure knowledge of how to proceed. Not only is their relationship with Jesus a fragile one they are at a loss as to how to share the Good News with their children. Often, they do not understand the transformative nature of the Sacrament for themselves, let alone for their children.


Priests and catechists alike, however, recognise the possibilities that God offers, placing these young families before us so that we might announce the Good News, accompany them in the months and years beyond the celebration of the rite to make them disciples, deepening with them their relationship with Christ. How might we avoid passing up these opportunities to share about life as a child of God?  Come and spend the day re-imagining Baptism, learning new strategies to build a baptismal mindset in your parish.     


At the Re-imagining Baptism Conference on 9 & 10 May 2025, there will be ample chances not only to share the difficulties that we encounter but to explore practical suggestions that will enable parents to be 'the best teachers in the faith'. While Friday 9 May 2025 is primarily for clergy, others who have commitments on the Saturday will be welcomed. 


Registration links can be found on the attached publicity poster.


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