The Salisbury Catenians invite you to dinner.

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The Salisbury Catenians invite you to join them for dinner and talk by parishioner Richard Hilliard regarding his dealings with Royal Family.

Dinner will at the White Hart Hotel, next Thursday 26th May at 8pm.

There is a choice of Menu


Pea and Mint Soup                                                                          

Chicken Liver Parfait with Toasted Brioche and Onion Chutney

Trio of Melon with Mango Sorbet

Main Courses

Breast of Chicken with a Leek and Bacon Cream Sauce

Fillets of Plaice with Capers and Brown Butter

Baked Aubergine filled with Ratatouille topped with Goat Cheese and Pesto Cream Sauce



Sticky Toffee Pudding with Toffee Sauce and Vanilla Ice-cream

Fresh Fruit Pavlova with Malibu Syrup

Chocolate Mousse with Shortbread Biscuit


The cost of dinner is £23


Dining intentions and menu selections will be required by 12:00 Monday to:

[email protected]


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