Salisbury Foodbank

Salisbury Foodbank. The Lent collection of potatoes delivered to the Foodbank weighed over 106kg. Using a formula provided by the Foodbank this equals over 250 meals. Thank you for your generosity. The next collection will be in May and will be for tinned tomatoes.

Lent Foodbank Collection B



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October 18, 2019

ST GREGORY’S CHILDRENS LITURGY would like to say a huge thank you to Mike and Mary for their tireless work with children’s liturgy...Read more

Holy Redeemer notices for 19 October

October 18, 2019

Tomorrow is World Mission Sunday and there is retiring collection this evening for the missions.

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Holy Redeemer notices for 12 October

October 12, 2019

Thanks to everyone who helped clean the church last Wednesday. Your work is much appreciated.

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