SCORE - BIDS FOR FUNDING Applications for funding from SCORE should be submitted ASAP for consideration at the meeting on 4 March. Application forms and criteria are available on the parish website at  All welcome to this meeting in the parish rooms at St Osmund's at 7.30pm.  


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Saint Lucy

December 9, 2021

St. Lucy (283-304) was born in Syracuse, Sicily, where she also died. She was of a noble Greek family, and was brought up...Read more

Gaudete Sunday

December 9, 2021

On this, the third Sunday of Advent or Gaudete Sunday, we sense a definite mood change. The austerity of what can be a...Read more

Saint John of the Cross

December 4, 2021

Saint John of the Cross’ Story

John is a saint because his life was a heroic effort to live up to...Read more