SCORE December Update

Score December Update

At the SCORE committee meeting on 2 December 2019 five applications for grants were submitted for consideration. The amount of money requested totalled £20,000, but SCORE funds amounted to £9,000. It was decided that each application should receive some money and grants were distributed as follows:

• Alabaré Rough Sleepers Initiative - £3,000. This amount will be match funded by another charity. The target is £60,000 which would ensure accommodation for all rough sleepers during the winter months.
• RISE:61 - £1,000 to support their Christian outreach work in Bemerton Heath.
• CRESS (Christian Relief and Education for South Sudan) - £2,000 for their work with refugees living in N Uganda who have been forced to leave their homes in Sudan owing to war.
• Project Uganda - £1,000 to support the development of a new education project in SW Uganda.
• Mothers Union, Maridi, S Sudan - £2,000 for bicycles which will enable pastoral work to be carried out in a parish with few transport links.


The next SCORE committee meeting is on Monday 2 March 2020. Applications for grants should be submitted by 28 February, for consideration at the meeting. An application form is available on the parish website.
Diary date. On Monday 11 May 2020 there will be a special SCORE meeting in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms at 7.30. Several charities which received grants in 2019 will be invited to attend the meeting and talk about their work. Everyone in our church community is a member of SCORE and is invited to come and hear, first hand, how SCORE funds are used. 
Thank you for your generous contributions to SCORE funds.


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