Society of Our Lady of Lourdes Pilgrimage

Dear Pilgrim Friend,
It has been two years now since we were last able to travel to Lourdes together on Pilgrimage. We miss you! We want you to know that you remain in our prayers and we look forward to gathering together again when the time is right. Building on the success of last year's 2021 Virtual Pilgrimage, we write asking you to join us on our virtual journey this year.
We will then post you out a Virtual Pilgrimage welcome pack and full instructions on how you can register to join us interactively. Nothing too technical, but we want everyone to be safe and comfortable when they meet online, so pre-registration is vital! Our Pilgrimage runs at the time we would, in different circumstances, be together. From Saturday 29th May until Thurs 3rd June. Each day we will offer you a programme of events that you can watch at any time, and some real time interactive sessions.
We hope you will enjoy travelling to Lourdes with us on Virtual Pilgrimage this year and we look forward to seeing you soon.