ST GREGORY’S CHILDRENS LITURGY would like to say a huge thank you to Mike and Mary for their tireless work with children’s liturgy over many years. If anyone would like to join our team with this important work please contact Sarah Varney. [email protected] 


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Saint Matthew

October 31, 2021

Saint Matthew’s Story

Matthew was a Jew who worked for the occupying Roman forces, collecting taxes from other Jews. The Romans...Read more

The Big Sleep

October 28, 2021

Please Support - Deacon John Proctor who is slept out at the Tower of London on Friday 22 October in support of Homeless Veterans...Read more

Salisbury Food Bank

October 25, 2021

Salisbury Foodbank: During November we are collecting the following for the Foodbank (with Christmas in mind): rice; biscuits; chocolate. Items can be placed in...Read more