St Gregory’s Church Redecoration.

St G For Edit

The long awaited redecoration of St Gregory’s Church will take place over the month of June. There will never be a perfect time to complete this work but the timing has largely been determined by the availability of trades. To allow the work to begin, the church will need to be cleared over the late May Bank Holiday. St Gregory’s Hall will be set up for all the planned services and events (half the pews will be moved into the hall and the remainder into storage). Additional seating will be provided by chairs. To make this possible we need volunteers from 9.30am on Bank Holiday Monday 29th May to help clear the church (including the vestry) of pews, chairs, statues etc. to give the trades a blank canvass. There will be some heavy lifting so please come prepared and limbered up! Volunteers will be critical on the day so if you are able to help, please contact the Parish Office or make yourselves known directly to Jez Mawdsley on 07947700889.



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