White Flower Appeal

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White Flower Talk 2025


This weekend, as part of SPUC's White Flower Appeal, we are holding a retiring collection at all Masses to support the protection of unborn children and promote the right to life in our society.

Life is a precious gift from God, and nowhere is it more vulnerable than in the womb. The Holy Father has spoken up for the unborn on many occasions, linking it to the brokenness and division in our world. Recently, he reminded us how simple it has become to deny the existence of human life as a solution to problems that can—and must—be solved for both mother and child.

Our Faith teaches us that all human life is sacred, and every year, science continues to confirm this truth.

SPUC works tirelessly to uphold the right to life from conception to natural death, fully in line with the Church's teaching on human dignity. Protecting the innocent should be one of our shared concerns. But our society is facing a huge challenge.

Since abortion was legalised, nearly 11 million lives have been lost, each one leaving pain and hurt for countless families. To overcome this terrible culture of death, SPUC is working tirelessly across many of the key areas of social influence to rebuild respect for life.

As well as ensuring that politicians understand the importance of the right to life for everyone and exposing the damage of our current laws, SPUC also has a range of initiatives and resources to educate people in churches, schools, universities, and wider society on the right to life.

In addition, SPUC provides grants to help young women facing crisis pregnancies through its Alma Mater initiative. SPUC's Education and Research Trust also operates a special counselling service called ARCH, where women in need can be directed. ARCH provides life-changing help for women who have had an abortion, and many find healing for the emotional damage that abortion has caused.

After so many years of abortion, our society has sadly lost sight of the value of life in the womb. Clever slogans and media narratives numb us to the truth. Most people are shocked to learn that in our country, babies in the womb suspected of having a disability can be aborted right up to birth. As if that is not dreadful enough, there are continual efforts to change the law and allow abortion up to birth in ALL cases.

Only with your help can these challenges be overcome. SPUC is small and can only be a catalyst for change. SPUC is working to increase the number of young people committed to the pro-life cause and to keep the pro-life message alive in Churches; however, the abortion industry is exerting more influence than ever before. Your help is urgently needed to reawaken the profound respect for human life that was once part of a civilised society.

The White Flower Appeal is inspired by the courage of the White Rose Movement during World War Il, which opposed the tyranny of the Nazi regime when so many lives were lost. Today, we need similar courage to stand for the vulnerable among us who are also losing their lives.

SPUC is offering a better vision for society. So many lives are still being lost, and so much hurt continues to be inflicted, while many people don't know any better. Your support can change that. Please make the right to life one of your concerns.

Mother Teresa said, "The greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion". Please consider donating today to help SPUC bring healing, hope, and respect for life.

There are also postcards available for signing at the back of the Church. Please take one and sign it. This will help us send a message to our government that we want the lives of children in the womb protected.


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