St Joseph’s School in Salisbury are keeping the community connected while they’re closed

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As our community, country and world are experiencing the Covid19 pandemic and people are feeling isolated, as a school we wanted to record events, pupils experiences and pull together to support each other by creating the SJCS Closure Newspaper.  The aim is to not only spread acts of kindness, articles from staff and pupils but also to create a historical document which can be looked back on in years to come.
Mr K McGuinness (Deputy Head teacher) is coordinating and our first edition is due out today. We are delighted that Liz McColgan British former middle-distance and long-distance track and road-running athlete has already been our first celebrity to be interviewed which will be published in our 2nd version.

We would welcome any contributions from all schools within the Diocese.

Our prayers and thoughts are with you all.

Rachel Ridley, Head teacher


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