St Thomas’s Flower Festival

St Osmund’s Church have participated in the St Thomas’ Fundraising Flower Festival this week.  We were invited to decorate the choir stall area and Jan Pickford had the inspired idea of arranging grasses and iris to imitate a river bank: she based her idea on Salisbury having so many rivers flowing into and through it. Unfortunately St Thomas’ carpets were recently changed from blue (ideal) to red!  However the plan worked well and the display looks natural and beautiful. Thank you to Jan and her flower ladies for joining in on behalf of the Salisbury Catholic community.

Link to Photo Gallery

The flower festival is wonderful and is well worth a visit.  Entry is free and it is a veritable feast of beauty and art and music.  There are over 150 works of art on display (most of which are for sale) and 20 wonderful flower display areas. There are also various musical performances throughout the festival – one of which was a piano recital by St Osmund’s parishioner, Nicholas Walker.  St Thomas’s review:


“A wonderful Festival piano recital this evening has just concluded with Nicholas Walker playing our new instrument to a filled Church. The programme was varied in pace and style: Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, Balakirev and Liszt. Nicholas assisted the audience with introductions between the pieces and was gracious to give an encore at the end. A concert held within the flowers, the colours of the exhibits adding to the colour and depth of the music. A wow of a concert - thank you Nicholas.”


Please go along and support St Thomas’s.  The festival is open until Sunday 3 June and is well worth a visit when you are in town. 


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