Take action on the two-child cap policy

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Two-Child Cap

‘Behold the inheritance of the Lord are children: the reward, the fruit of the womb’
Psalm 127: 3

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales continues to be seriously concerned about the implications of the current two-child policy on Universal Credit payments for vulnerable, larger families.

Introduced in 2017, the policy has been undermining the financial security of families with three or more children. Such families often have no choice but to make claims for Universal Credit as a result of common, but unpredictable, life events, such as job loss or the onset of disability. The majority of families affected by the two-child policy are working families.

This is a matter of principle backed by Catholic Social Teaching.

Contact your MP

You can make your voice heard and contact your MP by simply entering your postcode and following this link https://www.cbcew.org.uk/contact-mp-two-child-cap/


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