Mission Logo

In this Year of Mission, we have been considering the ways in which we can respond to the call of Pope Francis to become a more outward-facing church.  We began with our Outreach Day in November which ‘jump-started’ the year.  Over 80 people attended and from that we were able to launch our Outreach project that sees volunteers visiting homes and taking the message of Christ to those they visit.  With the help of God, this will continue to develop and grow.   
 We also ran a tremendously successful Alpha and are currently running a number of Youth Alpha courses which are going well. Our Project 99 Missionaries joined us last year and have made significant impact on our youth groups and on all the projects that they have got involved with. So far so very good!!  


  We need to look at ALL the means at our disposal to attract people to Christ and His message of peace and love for all of humankind.  Last year, Pope Francis spoke of his belief that, given a growing digital culture throughout the world, new media must become a primary platform for spreading the Gospel:  “Studying new ways and means to communicate the Gospel of mercy to all people, in the heart of different cultures, through the media that the new digital cultural context makes available to our contemporaries” is something that is “very much in my heart.”  

 New Website

We are currently developing a new website for the Salisbury Catholic Churches which will be launched in time for World Communications Sunday on 13 May. The new website will be much more than just a place to download the newsletter or find our contact details.  We plan that it will be a source of encouragement and information to develop your faith and a place where the casual ‘surfer’ can find out about the Catholic faith; a place where you can connect and keep up to date with all that is happening in parish life and a place that represents, in a vibrant and engaging way, all that we have to offer.  Watch this space!  

  Social Media

 We are also planning to make increasing use of our already existing Twitter and Facebook feeds as a means of communicating. If you would like to volunteer to get involved in any aspect of our Year of Mission, please contact Caroline on 502503 [email protected] 


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