Year of Prayer 2018-19

Our diocesan ‘Year of Prayer’ begins this Sunday.  The year was officially launched by Bishop Declan earlier this week at Clifton Cathedral when the resources for the year ahead were presented to representatives from each parish and school of the diocese. It was a beautiful, prayerful occasion in a full cathedral with the diocese gathered around our bishop to hear his vision for this Year of Prayer and to pray for its success.  The bishop emphasised that our ‘Mission’ does not end with the passing of the ‘Year of Mission’.  We move into a Year of Prayer to further inspire and support us in our mission - the two go hand-in-hand.  Click on this Link to see the Year of Prayer booklet and watch the bishop preaching his homily by clicking on this link.  If you do not have access to the internet, we have printed copies of the document available to borrow from the parish office.



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