Day on the Eucharist

The Eucharist - A Bond of Love that cannot be undone 

There is an opportunity on Saturday 8 June to deepen our understanding and love for the Eucharist - participating together as the Body of Christ so that we may be the Body of Christ to the world.  A number of our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are travelling via minibus to this day which will be led by Fr Michael McAndrew at St Bernadette’s in Whitchurch. If you would like to join them, please click here or contact the parish office as soon as possible.

Travel Times

8am Depart in the minibus from St Osmund’s School Car Park.  Your car may be left in the school carpark for the day – we will be locking the gates as we depart.

9.15 – 9.30am  Arrival at St Bernadette’s, Whitchurch

9.30am Refreshments on arrival

9.45 The day begins


4pm  Departure

5.15 – 5.30pm  Arrival back in Salisbury.


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