Family of Faith (including First Holy Communion 2024-5)
In our parish this year, we are developing our youth ministry provision, especially for those in primary school. Over the past few years, we have come to realise that our existing model for First Holy Communion preparation does not always meet the needs of families, and so we are launching ‘Family of Faith’. This is a model of discipleship and formation for the whole family, focussed upon the needs of children in Years 2 – 5. Anyone can join, regardless of whether you are preparing for the Sacraments this year or have already received them. We want our church to be a place where families come to spend time together, make friends, pray, and learn in a safe and welcoming environment. Please click on this link to register 'Family of Faith'
Dear Families,
Wishing you every blessing of the New Year! We’re looking forward to being together as Family of Faith again this Sunday after Mass. This month we’ll be looking particularly at the Bible, so hopefully some fascinating discussions to come.
A couple of important things:
- This Sunday is the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord and it would be great if, between now and Sunday, you could share with your child/ren some of your memories of their baptism - if you have a photograph of the occasion or perhaps the candle or the service sheet or any other momento, it would be great if they could bring something along to share with the group during the ‘gathering/ice-breaker’ moments. If you take a look at Page 8 of their Family of Faith book there’s a place for a photo and some details… if you’ve not completed this page yet, this might be a perfect time to do it with your child.
(To win a parent gold-star, you could also read to them the Gospel for this coming Sunday before Sunday too I’ve copied it out below to save you getting out your missal.)
- Please could ALL children bring along their ‘Family of Faith’ Book so that we can allow them to share with us what’s been done at home (and take a look at their Page 8/Baptism page).
You may have seen in the newsletter that we have a special guest coming to Salisbury this weekend, who we’re hoping will drop in for a cuppa at the beginning of the session. :)
See you Sunday!
In Christ always,
Fr Joseph ✌
Sunday’s Gospel:
Luke 3:15-16, 21-22
‘When Jesus had been baptised and was praying, the heavens were opened.’
At that time: As the people were filled with expectation, and all were questioning in their hearts concerning John, whether he might be the Christ, John answered them all, saying, ‘I baptise you with water, but he who is mightier than I is coming, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire.’
Now when all the people were baptised by John the Baptist and when Jesus also had been baptised and was praying, the heavens were opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form, like a dove; and a voice came from heaven, ‘You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.’

We want to let you know that our approach to sacramental preparation in this parish is changing. We will no longer have a separate FHC programme, but a “Family of Faith” community meeting on Sunday mornings, which will offer ongoing support and catechesis for children and families.
What is “Family of Faith”?
From September 2024, we will be launching our “Family of Faith” community. This will be a space to meet together on Sundays, following the 9am Masses at St Gregory’s and St Osmund’s. After these Masses, we will gather together at the new Parish Centre on Exeter Street. Once everyone is gathered, there will be a time for prayer, followed by separate sessions for the children, and for their parents, finishing at 12 noon.
This will take place every two weeks during term time, and will be open for all children between Year 2 and Year 5. This means that if you have a child who has received their FHC in the past two years, they are more than welcome to join! The idea is to have a community of prayer and catechesis which includes, but is not limited to, FHC preparation.
When will my child make their First Confession & First Holy Communion (FHC)?
Put simply, they will be able to make their FHC when they are ready. Rather than have one big weekend where everybody is expected to do it together, we will have several possible dates through the year. Then, as long as you have been coming along to Family of Faith for at least a year, it will be up to you as parents to decide, with the child, when they are ready to come forward.
What does “readiness” look like? For the Sacrament of Reconciliation (First Confession) it might be that your child has learned about God’s love and forgiveness, and desires to receive it when they recognise they have done something wrong. For First Communion, it might be that they show understanding of Jesus’ Real Presence in the Eucharist, familiarity with the prayers and gestures of the Mass, and above all that they express a real desire to receive Jesus in this wonderful way.
Plenty of help and support in discerning this will be given to parents during those Family of Faith sessions. The advantage of doing it this way is that it allows each child the freedom to come to know Jesus in their own way and time, without being expected to conform to a fixed programme.
Why are we changing it?
For many years, the Church in this country has offered programmes to prepare children for the sacraments. Whilst they have offered a glimpse of Christian community and teaching, we are seeing a trend across the country, indeed world-wide, that shows families are looking for much more than an “extracurricular programme”. The journey of becoming a disciple of Jesus is more of a process than a programme, so we want to put families at the centre of our sacramental preparation, and hopefully offer a more holistic approach to our children’s faith journeys, appropriate to their age.
I still want to know more…
We are really excited about this change and hope that, for many families, this will be a welcome addition to our parish community. For others, you may have some questions about how it is going to work. We will be inviting you to an information evening to find out more about this, with details of that to follow soon.
What do I have to do now?
For now, please click here to register your interest via a quick poll, and sign up to receive more information about Family of Faith.
Yours in prayer and the love of Christ,
Fr Anthony, Fr Joseph, and all the team.
Dear Parents,
You are receiving this email because you have a child who is at the age of school Year 2. Although they wouldn't start preparing for their First Holy Communion for another year, we want to let you know that our Family of Faith group will be open to children from Year 2 to Year 5, and you would be very welcome indeed to come along!
What is “Family of Faith”?
From September 2024, we will be launching our “Family of Faith” community. This will be a space to meet together on Sundays, following the 9am Masses at St Gregory’s and St Osmund’s. After these Masses, we will gather together at the new Parish Centre on Exeter Street. Once everyone is gathered, there will be a time for prayer, followed by separate sessions for the children, and for their parents, finishing at 12 noon.
This will take place every two weeks during term time, and will be open for all children between Year 2 and Year 5. The idea is to have a community of prayer and catechesis which includes FHC preparation when the children are old enough, but is more of an ongoing support as well.
Why are we changing it?
For many years, the Church in this country has offered programmes to prepare children for the sacraments. Whilst they have offered a glimpse of Christian community and teaching, we are seeing a trend across the country, indeed world-wide, that shows families are looking for much more than an “extracurricular programme”. The journey of becoming a disciple of Jesus is more of a process than a programme, so we want to put families at the centre of our sacramental preparation, and hopefully offer a more holistic approach to our children’s faith journeys, appropriate to their age.
I still want to know more…
We are really excited about this change and hope that, for many families, this will be a welcome addition to our parish community. For others, you may have some questions about how it is going to work. We will be inviting you to an information evening to find out more about this, with details of that to follow soon.
What do I have to do now?
For now, please click here to register your interest via a quick poll, and sign up to receive more information about Family of Faith.
Yours in prayer and the love of Christ,
Fr Anthony, Fr Joseph, and all the team.
Dear Parents,
You are receiving this email because you have a child who has made their First Holy Communion in the past two years. Although they were given a lot during that time, we know that it is important to remain connected with the church, with their friends, and with Our Lord. So, we want to let you know that our Family of Faith group will be open to children from Year 2 to Year 5, and you would be very welcome indeed to come along!
What is “Family of Faith”?
From September 2024, we will be launching our “Family of Faith” community. This will be a space to meet together on Sundays, following the 9am Masses at St Gregory’s and St Osmund’s. After these Masses, we will gather together at the new Parish Centre on Exeter Street. Once everyone is gathered, there will be a time for prayer, followed by separate sessions for the children, and for their parents, finishing at 12 noon.
This will take place every two weeks during term time, and will be open for all children between Year 2 and Year 5. The idea is to have a community of prayer and catechesis which includes FHC preparation when the children are old enough, but is more of an ongoing support as well.
Why are we changing it?
For many years, the Church in this country has offered programmes to prepare children for the sacraments. Whilst they have offered a glimpse of Christian community and teaching, we are seeing a trend across the country, indeed world-wide, that shows families are looking for much more than an “extracurricular programme”. The journey of becoming a disciple of Jesus is more of a process than a programme, so we want to put families at the centre of our sacramental preparation, and hopefully offer a more holistic approach to our children’s faith journeys, appropriate to their age.
I still want to know more…
We are really excited about this change and hope that, for many families, this will be a welcome addition to our parish community. For others, you may have some questions about how it is going to work. We will be inviting you to an information evening to find out more about this, with details of that to follow soon.
What do I have to do now?
For now, please click here to register your interest via a quick poll, and sign up to receive more information about Family of Faith.
Yours in prayer and the love of Christ,
Fr Anthony, Fr Joseph, and all the team.
Dear families,
Thank you so much for registering your interest about our new Family of Faith community! Just to keep you updated with progress, here are the key things you should know…
We’re hosting an information session, online via Zoom, where you can find out more details, and ask any questions you may have. Thursday 3rd October, 7.30pm. To join the meeting, CLICK HERE, or go to Zoom ( and input the Meeting ID (815 9497 0018) and Passcode (487244).
As a reminder of what Family of Faith is all about, please find attached a letter which is being sent home via the Primary School this week.
The first session of Family of Faith will be Sunday 20th October, beginning with 9am Mass at either St Osmund’s or St Gregory’s, then gathering in the Parish Centre (at the end of Exeter St), concluding at 11.45am. Sessions will be fortnightly thereafter, with a full list of dates to be published shortly.
We’re very much looking forward to getting started next month! In the meantime, God bless & see you Sunday if not before :)
Fr Joseph.
16 October 2024
Dear Parents
I am really looking forward to welcoming you to our first Family of Faith session this Sunday. Each session begins at our 9am Masses at St Gregory’s & St Osmund’s.
At the Mass, the children who are joining Family of Faith will be invited to collect a sticker - don’t stick it on immediately – as they need to take it with them to the Parish Centre where your child will be invited to use their sticker at the welcome desk.
As you arrive at the Parish Centre (131 Exeter Street, Salisbury SP1 2SG, there is parking on site) you will be greeted and refreshments shared as we allow a short period of time for everyone to gather.
We are really looking forward to seeing you all there!
Yours in Christ,
Fr Joseph
Please find below an Information session that was run via Zoom on Wednesday 3 October

Saturday 21 September, we held an inspirational training day at our new Parish Centre led by Georgia Clarke in preparation for our upcoming 'Family of Faith' programme, which begins in October. attended by those who have offered to help us run our new Family of Faith programme on Sunday mornings, and Youth Group on Wednesday evenings along with our clergy team. The programme, designed by Georgia, integrates our youth and young people’s faith formation and includes our First Holy Communion preparation. We pray that the Holy Spirit will guide us as we embrace and nurture in a new way, the future of our young people in our Catholic Church in Salisbury. Further details will be shared via email and in upcoming newsletters.
Please do contact the Parish Office if you also wish to Volunteer.