If you have questions about the Christian life and are seeking to know more about faith, make time to ask God for guidance.
Prayer is speaking and listening to God, it doesn't have to take a long time - 5 minutes is fine but the key thing is to try to do it every day. As you walk along, drive in your car or go about your daily life, God is always ready to listen. If you feel better able to pray in a church, St Osmund’s Church is open every day of the year from 8am until 6pm and is a place of tranquil stillness in the midst of our city. You are very welcome to step inside and spend time there.
Why Catholic?
Explore the Why Catholic section of this website – there is plenty to read and watch that may answer some of the questions that you have. If what you read speaks to your heart and you would like to explore further, contact us or take one or more of the steps listed below.
Come to Mass.
For Catholics, the Mass is the source and the summit of our common life in Christ. You may find it confusing to begin with but over time you will understand better what is going on.
Come along for coffee
Which is served after the 09:00 Mass at St Osmund’s and the 09:00 Mass at St Gregory’s on Sundays. We also have coffee during the week after the Tuesday morning Mass at St Osmund’s and the Wednesday morning Mass at Holy Redeemer. You can take the opportunity to introduce yourself to some of the people there and perhaps ask some of the questions that are puzzling you.
We have an assortment of booklets relating to the Catholic faith in our churches. In particular you might find the Simple Prayer Book helpful, both for private prayer and for the prayers in the Mass. Please contact the parish office if you would like assistance to find helpful material.
Read the Bible.
Concentrate initially on Part Two (the New Testament) and read one of the gospels. The Gospel of St Mark is the shortest. This will help you to get to know more about Jesus. But it is important to remember that the Jesus who walked the roads of Galilee two thousand years ago is a living person now, God the Son, who we can talk to every day in our prayers and who will help us in our lives now, if we want him to. If you feel you would like to explore further, you are welcome to attend our Journey in Faith/RCIA programme or join an Alpha group and meet other people who are asking many of the same questions you are asking.
Becoming Catholic
If you are interested in the Catholic Faith and / or wish to expand your faith please visit https://salisburycatholics.org/exploring-your-faith
For more information please contact Fr Anthony on 01722 333581 or email [email protected]