Please pray for Alabaré, for their staff and their residents. This is a prayer written by their Senior Chaplain that is particularly appropriate for the day:
Lord Jesus, wanderer,
You knew what it was to move from place to place
You knew what it was to be homeless, dispossessed, a refugee.
Foxes have holes - you said - but you had nowhere to lay your head.
We bring to you those who, outside these doors, outside our homes,
Have nowhere to lay their heads. No home, no shelter.
Moving from place to place after shouts, abuse, ignorance and prejudice.
Help us to make a place - in our churches, our homes, our lives - for the poor and destitute.
Help us see the need before us and act with compassionate love. Not judging, but alongside.
Bless the work of Alabaré and show us Lord, where we and they can join in your work of love.