Justice and Peace

Salisbury Justice & Peace Group is part of the National Justice & Peace network an organisation within the Catholic ChurchJustice Peace. Groups work on 5 priorities which are the 5 Ps:

P1: Poverty & Inequality: To end poverty and hunger, in all its forms and dimensions.

P2: Planet: To protect the planet “so it can support the needs of the present and future generations.” Nearly every day we are seeing just how connected – and fundamental – climate change is to global development.

P3: Person (Human Rights)

P4: Politics (not party politics): Campaigning / lobbying on issues of concern

P5: Peace: Promoting peaceful and just societies. Conflict threatens human rights; those living in fragile and conflict-affected states account for 80 percent of the extreme poor.


There are various actions we can take to address these issues such as: Raising funds for CAFOD (P1) or visiting your MP about an issue or concern (P4). We all have issues about which we are concerned, we must not look away and hope someone else will fix them, they might include the destruction of the Rain Forest in South America (P2) or the plight of people in Ukraine (P5).

You have freedom of speech and you are informed by the media, surely you must make your voice heard and make your life count.

So lets try to make a positive difference in small steps. The population of the world is 8 billion (8,000,000,000), if just 1 percent (80,000,000) of the planet both cared and took action, the small steps would turn into a giant leap and the world would be a better place.

If you are interested in joining the Justice & Peace Group or want to find out more you can contact Graham on 01722 333873


To our fellow parishioners, brothers and sisters in Christ.

We ask you to take time to read the following notes from the Justice & Peace group meeting on January 20th 2025   Attending, Graham Herbert, Jake Bond,  Greg and Pauline Wall, John Detain.


RED WEDNESDAY  at St Gregory’s 20th November 2024, our local response to the Aid to the Church in need Red Wednesday event.  Several parishioners took part in the group discussions referencing some who were suffering for their faith, and some who were acting to provide for the poor, including local manufacturing. Fr Joseph was very encouraging and many thanks to Graham who had planned and arranged each group focus.

PRO-LIFE MATTERS: In November and December, we responded as a parish in several ways to the widely publicised parliamentary debate on Assisted Suicide.  A recent speaker from SPUC came to discuss the issue at St Gregory’s thanks to our local SPUC group. The pastoral letter from the Bishops of England and Wales was read out at Masses. Bishop Bosco’s pastoral letter on the feast of the Holy Family also reminded us of our responsibilities to protect life at every stage. Speaker Julian Hughes, editor and co-author of a recent book “The Reality of  Assisted Dying” (OU 2024) came to explain why we must oppose the proposed legislation. Sermons also drew attention to our Christian resonsibilites.

We note also the White Flower appeal and encourage parishioners to look at the SPUC website to read the appeal letter. As well as the worrying trend to make abortion more easily available, the assisted suicide bill is currently being debated by politicians. Catholics have a duty to defend life from conception to natural death.


CLIMATE AND FOSSIL FUELS: We encourage our brothers and sisters to look at the Christian Climate Action website. What do parishioners think of this group and their website? They sometimes offer on-line seminars (“webinars”) with titles such as let’s stop oil and gas.

CHEAP FASHION AND ITS PRODUCTION: THE TRUE COST We hope that as many parishioners as possible might take time to look on-line at a film called The True Cost, which looks at the deplorable, and even dangerous conditions in which poor people in many parts of the world manufacture our clothes.   Our discussion included the way in some parts of society clothes are worn just once, or not at all, after impulsive buying, and discarded. Areas of concern include the way school “proms,” once popular mainly in the USA, are now part of UK school life. Prom dresses, while they are not cheap, are popular, and promote an attitude to dress which may not be healthy, and might be worn just once or twice.

First Communion dresses are also expensive, and often worn just once or twice. Deacon John Detain has a number of white first communion dresses so that parents may not feel obliged to buy new dresses: it’s a form of recycling, but it is also a matter of Christian stewardship, and a help to poorer families.  


FIRST FRIDAY TALK, Friday March 7th at 7.00 pm. This year has been declared a Holy Year by the Pope, and also a JUBILEE YEAR.  The meaning of this term is from the Bible, and relates to debt and the poor. Greg and Pauline Wall will speak on the theme of Jubilee as it relates to our world today, to which all parishioners are welcome, in the Parish Centre at the end of Exeter Street. There is parking at the rear of the building for several cars, and the talk is timed so that those who attend 6 p.m. Mass at St Osmund’s that evening will have plenty time to walk down to the parish centre.