SATURDAY 28 September

10:00 St Osmund - Personal Intentions

First Mass of Sunday

18:00 St Gregory - Julia - in sickness  

SUNDAY 29 September

09:00  St Gregory - People of the Parish

09:00  St Osmund - Agnes and David Yao & family

11:00 St Osmund - Caroline Gibbons RIP

12:30 St Osmund Ordinariate 

18:00 St Osmund 

Monday 30 September Saint Jerome

10:00 St Osmund 

Tuesday 1 October Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus

10:00 St Osmund 

All Day Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

18:00 St Osmund Benediction

Wednesday 2 October Holy Guardian Angels

10:00 St Gregory - Thanksgiving - Tessy Jose

18:00 St Osmund Ordinariate 

Thursday 3 October

10:00 St Osmund - Barry Shrimpton RIP

All Day Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

18:00 St Osmund Benediction

Friday 4 October

10:00 St Gregory - Frank Detain & John Brook RIP

19:00 St Osmund - Delma Dileep RIP

Saturday 5 October  

10:00 St Osmund - Derek Boston RIP

First Mass of Sunday

18:00 St Gregory - Clive Bogie RIP


09:00 St Gregory - Doris Phelan RIP

09:00 St Osmund - George & Monica Pickford RIP

11:00 St Osmund -  Dowager Virginia Countess of Airlie RIP

12:30 St Osmund - Ordinariate 

18:00 St Osmund - People of the Parish RIP

Monday 7 October Our Lady of the Rosary

10:00 St Osmund - Elizabeth Kane & Patricia Knott RIP

Tuesday 8 October

10:00 St Osmund - Arthur Buck RIP

All Day Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

18:00 St Osmund Benediction


10:00 St Gregory - Mary Buck RIP

18:00 St Osmund Ordinariate 

Thursday 10 October

10:00 St Osmund - Happy Birthday John-Paul Pearson RIP

All Day Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

18:00 St Osmund

Friday 11 October

10:00 St Gregory - Thanksgiving - Rani Marie Jose

19:00 St Osmund 

Saturday 12 October  

10:00 St Osmund - David Palmer RIP

First Mass of Sunday

18:00 St Gregory - Thanksgiving